Author - Outdoorsiness

Essential RV Maintenance: A Guide to Exterior Seals and Sealants

Introduction: When it comes to maintaining your beloved RV or motorhome, there are several crucial aspects to consider, and one of the most vital is caring for its exterior seals and sealants. These seemingly small components play a significant role in keeping your RV safe, comfortable, and leak-free during your adventures...


Understanding the Difference Between 100-Amp and 200-Amp Pedestals

When it comes to electrical systems, power requirements play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and safe operation. Pedestals, often used in outdoor electrical installations, are no exception. Whether you're setting up a campsite, RV park, marina, or any other location requiring electrical power, it's important to understand the difference...


Understanding the SSEM Meter: Exploring the Benefits of Sustainable Energy Monitoring

In our fast-paced world, where the need for sustainable energy solutions has never been more crucial, it's essential to embrace technologies that help us monitor and optimize our energy consumption. One such tool gaining popularity in recent years is the SSEM (Sustainable Energy Monitoring) meter. In this blog post, we...


Power Up Your RV Adventures with Midwest Electrical RV Pedestals – The Best Place to Buy is

If you're an avid RV enthusiast, you know that having a reliable and safe electrical hookup is crucial for your outdoor adventures. And that's where Midwest Electrical RV pedestals come in. With their durable construction and top-notch features, these pedestals are widely considered to be the best on the market....


Ensuring Safety and Compliance: The Importance of a 200 Amp Mobile Home Pedestal

When it comes to mobile homes, there are certain electrical requirements that must be met to ensure safety and compliance with local building codes. One of these requirements is the installation of a 200 amp mobile home pedestal. A mobile home pedestal is essentially a freestanding electrical box that serves as...