Commercial Picnic Tables

Is your park, school, neighborhood, or community area seeking ways to attract more visitors, promote a healthy lifestyle, and provide a gathering place for people? To make a lasting impact in your community, it’s essential to create a positive, family-friendly, and inviting environment where both children and adults can engage in play, socialize, and stay active. This approach will bring people together and draw them to your location.

Whether you are in the process of installing or renovating a playground or park in your outdoor space with the aim of becoming the go-to destination for outdoor enjoyment, it’s crucial to offer a comprehensive experience. This includes providing durable and enjoyable equipment for children, open spaces for exercise, and amenities for adults to relish. To ensure your park or playground offers an enjoyable atmosphere for visitors to spend quality time, incorporating an outdoor eating area is an excellent amenity. This addition encourages individuals to plan cookouts, picnics, and gatherings, ultimately leading to longer stays and increased return visits.

To achieve this, equipping your eating area with commercial picnic tables and benches is essential, and Outdoorsiness has everything you need to create an engaging community space.



Commercial-Grade Picnic Tables and Benches For Sale

Outdoorsiness is committed to rekindling the joy of spending time outdoors, emphasizing play, physical activity, social interaction, family bonding, and a healthy lifestyle in the fresh air. That’s why we offer a diverse range of high-quality, innovative equipment designs, allowing you to customize and build your park or play area according to your unique vision. Our selection of school picnic tables and park bench sets offers various exciting and contemporary options, including:

  • Round tables with attached benches: A timeless design that combines portability with sleek aesthetics.
  • Square tables with attached benches: Offering both in-ground and portable choices, these tables are suitable for any school or park setting.
  • Rectangular tables with attached benches: Multiple modern rectangular designs are available, with options for in-ground or portable installation.
  • Separate bench tables: These tables and benches come as separate units, offering a straightforward solution.
  • Tot tables: Specifically designed for little kids, these tables feature low-down benches.
  • Individual seat tables: Perfect for school parks and playgrounds, these tables have attached individual seating benches.

Our park and school picnic tables come in various designs and a wide range of colors to match your specific requirements and complement your environment’s aesthetic. Outdoorsiness’s commercial outdoor picnic tables are ideal for integration into a variety of outdoor settings, fostering picnicking and socializing at your park, campground, HOA or etc. You can install them in:

  • Schoolyards and playgrounds
  • Parks
  • Neighborhoods
  • Campsites
  • Community centers
  • Urban community areas
  • Sports fields and outdoor complexes
  • And more!

Why Choose Outdoorsiness for Your Commercial Outdoor Picnic Tables?

Why should you choose Outdoorsiness for your commercial outdoor picnic tables? We are dedicated to making your equipment and outdoor area stand out and captivate the families in your community with excitement, adventure, and motivation. Give your community something to be enthusiastic about—reach out to your nearest Outdoorsiness representative today to request a quote for your own commercial picnic tables and benches.