Top 5 Must-Have Trail Site Furnishings For you Walking & Bike Path

Are you looking to construct a bike and walking path?

Make your trail a pleasant, easy-to-use, and safe location to exercise and socialize by including features that appeal to a wide range of people. From walkers to bicyclists, diverse users frequent multi-use trails. To meet your objectives while also meeting the needs of your users, amenities will differ from one route to the next.

A Quick Overview of Users


Walkers, joggers, runners, and inline skaters are among the most common types of pedestrians. Trail furnishings such as benches, tables, and shaded resting areas are popular whether naturally or artificially produced by commercial shade structures. Well-lit walkways, drinking fountains, restrooms, trash cans, and well-lit paths are all suggested.

Dog-friendly drinking fountains and waste stations with bag dispensers and trash cans will appeal to pedestrian dog walkers, who will be encouraged to help keep the trail clean for other visitors.

Accommodating guests is an important component of any park’s operation. Trailheads are the most popular sites for restrooms, drinking fountains, and other more permanent fixtures, but amenities that provide rest and sun protection (such as benches, tables, and shaded rest areas) can be strategically placed along the route.


Bicycles, much like pedestrians, will benefit from picnic areas with tables and shade. Bicycle racks and bicycle rack shelters would be a useful amenity to have on hand, encouraging people to ride along your greenway trail. Bike racks can be found at the entrances of hiking trails that pass by restrooms or are connected to local parks by your route.

Top 5 Must-Have Trail Furnishings

  1. Benches, Tables, and Trash Receptacles: Benches and tables are available to sit and relax on bike paths or at trailheads. Choose a material that is both comfy and simple to keep, such as an extended metal seat with a polyethylene covering. In addition, select a bench or table that comes with either in-ground or surface mounting possibilities, as this will aid in the prevention of vandalism. These amenities come in a variety of shapes and colors to easily blend into your trails’ appearance at any budget. Trash receptacles, as well as disposable bag dispensers for trash cans and dog waste stations with disposable bags, are a must-have for any trail. They encourage users to maintain their path clean while also reducing litter and unwanted dog waste. Opt for amenities that are specifically designed for the outdoors, such as trash receptacles made from perforated metal. A variety of designs, top styles, and colors are available for purchase. Recycling bins are another item that may be considered.

Traditional Park Bench With Back - Diamond Pattern

  1. Bicycle Racks or Shelters: Bike racks should be installed and positioned in strategic locations such as near restrooms, trailheads, and parking lots to allow cyclists to securely park their bikes. Providing bike racks also discourages people from locking their bicycles to other features – like your new benches – which they may do on public sidewalks if there are no bike racks available.Bike racks are available in a range of shapes and sizes, and they can handle a variety of bikes. Bike rack shelters are another excellent addition to any trail. Users’ bicycles are protected by these covered shelters, which include racks beneath.

4 Rolling Wave Bike Rack
  1. Drinking Fountains: Provide drinking fountains for both people and their pets. A range of fountains with single spigots to bi-level and pet are available. For the most bang for your buck, get a bi-level drinking fountain that includes a pet drinking fountain at the bottom. A bi-level fountain that is correctly installed meets ADA standards and allows everyone on the trail access. 

Bi-Level Drinking Fountain with Pet Hydrant

  1. Informational Signage Stations & Message Boards: Information signs and message centers can give users with information about your trail with outdoor message boards, such as a map, mile markers, rest facilities, and so on. The best long-term solution for displaying trail information is an all-steel message center or kiosk with lockable display cases to prevent vandalism. These centers may be designed in a variety of ways and include two, three, or even four sides for displaying information. This technique is low-maintenance and cost-effective.

Sliding Door Cork Outdoor Message  Board 45

  1. Restroom Shelters: To extend the amount of time a trail visitor may spend on your path, provide each trailhead with a rest stop. If you can’t locate a full-service restroom with running water, consider temporary facilities with Privacy Cloths.

Are you ready to get started planning the features of your trail? We’re the ones to call if you want advice on that! Allow us to assist you in selecting the ideal tables, benches, and trash cans for your needs, as well as designing an informative kiosk and assisting you in coming up with a creative restroom shelter.

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